Sarah C. Lotspeich, Ph.D.

About Me

I'm an Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University in the Department of Statistical Sciences, where I hold a secondary appointment in the Department of Biostatistics and Data Science and co-lead the Spatial and Environmental Statistics in Health (SESH) Lab. I also co-organize Florence Nightingale Day, welcoming local middle and high schools to explore statistics and data science at Wake.  

Before coming to Wake Forest, I completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the Department of Biostatistics, working with Dr. Tanya Garcia

Previously, I enjoyed tons of live music in Nashville, Tennessee... and worked toward my Ph.D. at Vanderbilt University in the Department of Biostatistics under the mentorship of Drs. Bryan Shepherd and Ran Tao. In April 2021, I was thrilled to defend my dissertation: "Using observational data in healthcare research: New methods to design, conduct, and analyze efficient two-phase designs."

In May 2016,  I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Florida with B.S. in Statistics. This was my first taste of research and teaching, both of which propelled me on to the Ph.D. and, ultimately, to becoming a faculty member. 

I'm originally from Florida, having grown up in a family of rocket scientists minutes from Kennedy Space Center. My weaknesses are bubble tea, a cute yarn shop, and a cheap airplane ticket. 

The Fast Facts

I love data and people; I especially love data about people.

Biostatistics | Now: Assistant Professor of Statistics at Wake Forest University | Then: Postdoc at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University & B.S. from University of Florida | Always: Data, Donuts, & Dolly Parton

Email: lotspes AT wfu DOT edu

Latest Hoorays

Milestones, Announcements, and Other Matters Sarah Is Excited About

(See the Hall of Hoorays for Archived Excitement)

June 2024

I traveled to Braga, Portugal to present at my first International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics! I spoke about “Semiparametrically correcting for data quality issues to estimate whole-hospital, whole-body health from the EHR.” [Slides]

June 2024

I attended my first WNAR Annual Meeting in Fort Collins, Colorado! I shared work with Ashley Mullan on Adjusting for misclassification to quantify the relationship between diabetes and local access to healthy foods. [Slides]

May 2024

Congratulations to lab members Ashley Mullan (left) and Abby Draeger (center) on their graduations from Wake Forest! My Wednesdays will be so much less fun without you two.

May 2024

For their final projects in probability, students brought the bivariate normal distribution to life! They created (and decorated!) 3D models using the WakerSpace laser.